
MRIC Vol.23199 現場からの医療改革推進協議会第十八回シンポジウム 抄録から(4)

医療ガバナンス学会 (2023年11月8日 06:00)

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( https://genbasympo18.stores.jp/ )

2023年11月8日 MRIC by 医療ガバナンス学会 発行  http://medg.jp



【Session 06】 その薬と医療機器は本当に必要か? 16:05~16:45(司会:尾崎 章彦)

●Tom Fahey

The epidemiology of medicines safety and appropriateness in Ireland and the UK

The treatment burden of medicines is a significant issue for both patients and physicians because of the risk of iatrogenic harm. This talk will describe increasing treatment burden and its consequences in terms of risk of hospitalisation, increased health care utilisation and diminished quality of life for patients. Particular examples of drug-related harm will be described in relation to high-risk medicines, alcohol-interacting medicines, and opiates with their impact on hospitalisation, falls and mortality outlined. The second part of the talk will focus on managing medicines, particularly in relation to drug monitoring and avoidance of unrecognized side effects that may lead to prescribing cascades. Lastly, critical discussion in relation the strategy of de-prescribing will be made. Data will come from national datasets in Ireland and the UK.
(ドイツUniversity of Tübingen, Research Fellow、東洋紡バイオテクノロジー研究財団 フェロー)


1992年、米国の食品医薬品局(FDA)はAccelerated Approval(以下、AA)と呼ばれる医薬品の迅速承認プロセスを導入した。その目的は文字通り、重病患者に対して画期的な新薬を迅速に届けることである。なお、AAのもとで承認された約85%の医薬品が、腫瘍領域のものとなっている。
通常の医薬品承認プロセスで組まれる治験では、「生存期間」といった真のエンドポイントを測定することが理想とされるが、一般的に、生存期間のデータを得るためには数年以上の期間と莫大な治験コストを要する。そのためAAでは、本来評価すべき「生存期間」といった指標の代わりに、その代替となる指標(Surrogate endpoint)のデータ提出が求められる。これにより、製薬会社は比較的速やかに薬事申請することが可能となる。一方、AAの仕組みを経て承認された医薬品は、市販後に「確認試験」と呼ばれる臨床試験を組み、FDAに対して臨床的に意義のある効果を示さなければ、「撤退」となる。
●James Larkin

Marketing strategies of the pharmaceutical & medical device industry in Ireland and Europe

The pharmaceutical and medical device industries make payments to healthcare organisations (HCOs) and healthcare professionals (HCPs) for education, consultancy and sponsorship. These payments can create conflicts-of-interest which undermine patient care.
We aimed to characterise industry payments in Europe and Ireland, and to understand general practitioners’ (GPs) experience of interacting with industry
A mixed methods study was conducted. Industry transparency websites for education, consultancy and sponsorship payments in Ireland (pharmaceutical industry) and Europe (medical device industry) were extracted. Data was analysed using descriptives and frequencies. Qualitative interviews were conducted with GPs in Ireland. Qualitative data was analysed using thematic analysis.
The Irish pharmaceutical industry reported €79 million in payments from 47 companies during 2015-2019, €45 million to HCOs and €34 million to HCPs. The European Medical device industry reported €420 million in education-related payments to HCOs from 116 medical device companies, between 2017-2019. Twenty-two GPs participated in qualitative interviews. Interviewees reported interacting with industry across a variety of settings. Some interviewees reported that these payments were used to influence doctors.
There are significant payments to HCOs/HCPs from the pharmaceutical and medical device industries in Ireland and Europe, creating potential conflicts-of-interest. Consideration should be given to reducing payments, to avoid conflicts-of-interest.


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